Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Interesting day; The Tellings of April's Fool

I worked for most of the day on my project, which I enjoy so TITS much! It's a  low quality picture taken with my phone because I'm still working on it. I actually should be working on it now, but; You know.

 It's for my portfolio site that I'm making. It's a prototype until my portfolio class where I get to make it better. Speaking of ideas, I just thought of a cool one to use that funny Youtube site that shows 2 videos at once...no..getting sidetracked. But here is another picture!

Moving on, we recorded some And I'll post pictures of them below. We started recording our next album and it's been super fun. I hope someone comes across this and gives it a look, if you like us we will play parties! Check us out!  Mr. Lee's Defense Squad.      Tell me what you think.

We have a couple of video's, so I'll a link to my Youtube account too. Link me up BITCH!
I don't have much right now. But I will post more soon promise!

So aside from all that it Tellings Time!
It was a day like no other. The only day out of the year where you can do really messed up mean stuff to people, but if you laugh afterward, it's all good.  It first started when I said to my roommate Andy that it was now 12:06 and it's Prankering Time!

He says game on and I start making a water gun out of house hold items. 

 I was told earlier in the week that the peepholes in the doorway could be unscrewed allowing you to peer inside the victim's room. Perfect! So now it's time to attack Jeff's room and get him all wet! I'd say it wasn't anything short of a complete misfire.

It was time to deploy Plan B. 

SUCCESS! We started a war! We fought valiantly...fine alright...we ran back as fast as we possibly could and slammed the door behind us. 
Andy was the first (and only) casualty. He wasn’t down and out just yet. 

 I’d like to see any of you take a shot of scented shaving cream directly in the eye and keep pushing forward!  

 They eventually gave up after we brought out the heavy artillery.  Though I had clean up the mess.

But don’t worry fellow bloggers, I had my revenge!


1 comment:

  1. So I was too sidetracked by talking to you to comment, but now that you're going to get food, I shall. I can't wait to hear your new songs! :) I see a banjo, and I am excited.
